With the new ETD Administrator submission form, you can upload up to 30 files to accompany your ETD. Because this doesn't allow you to obtain a direct link to the file, it is recommended that you either add a list of the supplemental files to an Appendix section or as a sub-division of your Bibliography.
You should identify them by name, file type, size, required application software and/or any special hardware requirements, and the date that it was completed or compiled.
Example: Survey Instrument Beta, PDF, 12 MB, 2024.
If there are attributions that you can also add for any collaborators, funding sources, or organizations that should be referenced; add those to the reference entry.
If you aren't using the ETD Administrator to submit your Master's Essay or BPhil, you should follow the same formatting but add your files alongside your upload in D-Scholarship@Pitt.
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